Tuesday 20 May 2014

Let me explain this a little...

So, I'm coming to the end of my 2nd year at uni which means the terrifying imminence of my year abroad in France is growing. I have chosen to study at uni in Aix-en-Provence, because quite frankly I was a) terrified of the prospect of living in les banlieues in Paris, and b) as much as any one denies it, the aesthetics of a place really do affect your ability to work happily (exhibit A- Portswood). But in all honesty, I couldn't be more excited (I mean, come on... how quaint?) The point of this blog is not only to tell you all about my wonderful travels, but to keep every one at home up to date with every inch of my life (because you're all going to miss me, right?)

A x

1 comment:

  1. Never been in Aix-en-Provence but some friends were there a couple of weeks ago and loved their beautiful photos of this amazing place, although I think it's more beautiful in person. Would love to go there someday! You're so lucky to be there!

    XO, Melissa
